Human HLA class II histocompatibility antigen, DR alpha chain (HLA-DRA) ELISA kit

Code CSB-EL010497HU
Size 96T,5×96T,10×96T
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Trial Size 24T ELISA Kit Trial Size (Only USD$150/ kit)
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Product Details

Target Name
HLA class II histocompatibility antigen, DR alpha chain
Alternative Names
DASS-397D15.1 ELISA Kit; DR alpha chain ELISA Kit; DR alpha chain precursor ELISA Kit; DRA_HUMAN ELISA Kit; DRB1 ELISA Kit; DRB4 ELISA Kit; FLJ51114 ELISA Kit; Histocompatibility antigen HLA DR alpha ELISA Kit; Histocompatibility antigen HLA-DR alpha ELISA Kit; HLA class II histocompatibility antigen ELISA Kit; HLA class II histocompatibility antigen DR alpha chain ELISA Kit; HLA DR1B ELISA Kit; HLA DR3B ELISA Kit; HLA DRA ELISA Kit; HLA DRA1 ELISA Kit; HLA DRB1 ELISA Kit; HLA DRB3 ELISA Kit; HLA DRB4 ELISA Kit; HLA DRB5 ELISA Kit; HLA-DR histocompatibility type ELISA Kit; HLA-DRA ELISA Kit; HLADR4B ELISA Kit; HLADRA1 ELISA Kit; HLADRB ELISA Kit; Major histocompatibility complex class II DR alpha ELISA Kit; Major histocompatibility complex class II DR beta 1 ELISA Kit; Major histocompatibility complex class II DR beta 3 ELISA Kit; Major histocompatibility complex class II DR beta 4 ELISA Kit; Major histocompatibility complex class II DR beta 5 ELISA Kit; MGC117330 ELISA Kit; MHC cell surface glycoprotein ELISA Kit; MHC class II antigen DRA ELISA Kit; MHC II ELISA Kit; MLRW ELISA Kit; OTTHUMP00000029406 ELISA Kit; OTTHUMP00000029407 ELISA Kit
Uniprot No.
Homo sapiens (Human)
Sample Types
serum, plasma, tissue homogenates
Detection Range
18.75 pg/mL-1200 pg/mL
4.68 pg/mL
Assay Time
Sample Volume
Detection Wavelength
450 nm
Research Area
Assay Principle
Intra-assay Precision (Precision within an assay): CV%<8%
Three samples of known concentration were tested twenty times on one plate to assess.
Inter-assay Precision (Precision between assays): CV%<10%
Three samples of known concentration were tested in twenty assays to assess.
To assess the linearity of the assay, samples were spiked with high concentrations of human HLA-DRA in various matrices and diluted with the Sample Diluent to produce samples with values within the dynamic range of the assay.
1:1Average %91
Range %84-98
1:2Average %91
Range %85-95
1:4Average %96
Range %92-102
1:8Average %103
Range %96-108
The recovery of human HLA-DRA spiked to levels throughout the range of the assay in various matrices was evaluated. Samples were diluted prior to assay as directed in the Sample Preparation section.
Sample TypeAverage % RecoveryRange
Serum (n=5) 9288-96
EDTA plasma (n=4)9690-101
Typical Data
These standard curves are provided for demonstration only. A standard curve should be generated for each set of samples assayed.
12002.247 2.235 2.241 2.121
6001.492 1.589 1.541 1.421
3000.974 0.999 0.987 0.867
1500.622 0.632 0.627 0.507
750.432 0.412 0.422 0.302
37.50.289 0.310 0.300 0.180
18.750.208 0.198 0.203 0.083
00.121 0.119 0.120  
and FAQs
Store at 2-8°C. Please refer to protocol.
Shelf Life
6 months
Lead Time
3-5 working days after you place the order, and it takes another 3-5 days for delivery via DHL or FedEx.

This Human HLA-DRA ELISA Kit was designed for the quantitative measurement of Human HLA-DRA protein in serum, plasma, tissue homogenates. It is a Sandwich ELISA kit, its detection range is 18.75 pg/mL-1200 pg/mL and the sensitivity is 4.68 pg/mL .

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Target Background

(From Uniprot)
An alpha chain of antigen-presenting major histocompatibility complex class II (MHCII) molecule. In complex with the beta chain HLA-DRB, displays antigenic peptides on professional antigen presenting cells (APCs) for recognition by alpha-beta T cell receptor (TCR) on HLA-DR-restricted CD4-positive T cells. This guides antigen-specific T-helper effector functions, both antibody-mediated immune response and macrophage activation, to ultimately eliminate the infectious agents and transformed cells. Typically presents extracellular peptide antigens of 10 to 30 amino acids that arise from proteolysis of endocytosed antigens in lysosomes. In the tumor microenvironment, presents antigenic peptides that are primarily generated in tumor-resident APCs likely via phagocytosis of apoptotic tumor cells or macropinocytosis of secreted tumor proteins. Presents peptides derived from intracellular proteins that are trapped in autolysosomes after macroautophagy, a mechanism especially relevant for T cell selection in the thymus and central immune tolerance. The selection of the immunodominant epitopes follows two processing modes: 'bind first, cut/trim later' for pathogen-derived antigenic peptides and 'cut first, bind later' for autoantigens/self-peptides. The anchor residue at position 1 of the peptide N-terminus, usually a large hydrophobic residue, is essential for high affinity interaction with MHCII molecules.
Gene References into Functions
  1. This study demonstrated that only the non-suicidal depressed subgroup revealed significantly lower microglial reaction, i.e., a decreased density of HLA-DR positive microglia versus both depressed suicide victims and controls. PMID: 28229240
  2. Low HLA-DRA expression is associated with sepsis. PMID: 28771573
  3. In this prospective study we evaluated dynamic changes in monocyte HLA-DR expression during sepsis in relation to changes in HLA-DRA gene expression and Class II transactivator (CIITA), measured by quantitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (qRT-PCR). PMID: 27144640
  4. Case-control study in Han Chinese from the southwest of the country suggests that risk of ALS is increased by the AA genotype at rs9268856 in the HLA-DRA/HLA-DRB5 gene, but not by the SNPs rs9268877 in HLA-DRA/HLA-DRB5, rs1980493 in BTNL2 or rs302668 in RAB38/CTSC PMID: 28131168
  5. Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus RTA not only downregulated HLA-DRalpha at the protein level through direct binding and degradation through the proteasome pathway but also indirectly downregulated the protein level of HLA-DRalpha by enhancing the expression of MARCH8, a member of the membrane-associated RING-CH (MARCH) proteins. PMID: 27356905
  6. The frequency of CD14(+)HLA-DR-/low MDSCs could be considered as a poor prognostic predictor in small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) and the elimination of MDSCs during medical interventions may improve the prognosis of SCLC patients. PMID: 25792471
  7. This meta-analysis showed that the HLA-DRA rs3129882 A/G polymorphism was not a risk factor for Parkinson's disease in Chinese. PMID: 24849299
  8. CD14+HLA-DR(-/low) cells were significantly increased in gastric cancer tissue and were shown to have a critical role in CD4+T-cell immunosuppression. PMID: 25695487
  9. No significant association was found for HLA-DRA/PARK18 rs3129882 polymorphism and Parkinson's disease risk (meta-analysis). PMID: 25720714
  10. The results suggest that rs3129882 polymorphism in HLA-DR may be a risk factor for Parkinson's disease in Iranian. PMID: 25319953
  11. Increased CD14+ monocytes with loss of HLA-DR expression were seen in patients with higher stage disease, more aggressive pathology, and in relapse or refractoriness to treatment. PMID: 24636145
  12. HLA-DRA variants predict penicillin allergy in genome-wide fine-mapping genotyping PMID: 25224099
  13. The effects of rs11248051 and rs1564282 variants of GAK, and the rs3129882 variant of HLA-DRA, were investigated in Parkinson's disease patients. PMID: 24039160
  14. The SNP rs3129882 in intron 1 of HLA-DRA has been shown to be most robustly associated with the Parkinson's disease. PMID: 23083294
  15. suggest that binding of MAM to HLA-DR leads to a conformational change in MAM structure allowing its interaction with TLR2 and TLR4 and a better recognition by T cells. PMID: 24493819
  16. The HLA-DRA variation rs3129882 is not associated with Parkinson's disease in Sweden.( PMID: 23579001
  17. The expression of human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-DR in epithelial cells and cluster of differentiation (CD8)-positive lymphocytes as possible markers of chronic ocular graft versus host disease, was investigated. PMID: 23878500
  18. HLA-DR4, PAD4 and STAT4 are overexpressed in rheumatoid arthritis and may be involved in the pathogenesis of RA. PMID: 20584675
  19. 2 SNPs in the HLA-DRA gene were studied in Caucasian patients from 2 large studies of alcohol dependence. rs2239803 & rs4935356 were associated with AD in both cohorts. PMID: 22890421
  20. Data indicate that 25 +/- 1.3% of CD74 and 17 +/- 0.3% of HLA-DR are colocalized. PMID: 22889831
  21. In this study observe no association between this single nucleotide polymorphism of HLA-DRA and Parkinson's disease in a Taiwanese population. PMID: 22243834
  22. genetic polymorphism is associated with the presence of nasal polyposis in asthmatic patients PMID: 22391069
  23. The rs3129882 noncoding variant in intron 1 of HLA-DRA is associated with late-onset sporadic Parkinson disease in a Chinese Han population. PMID: 21791235
  24. small interfering RNA-mediated knock-down of AIM2 resulted in reduced expression of HLA-DRA, HLA-DRB and CIITA in IFN-gamma-treated cells PMID: 21804607
  25. SNP1 is a Parkinson's disease-associated variant in HLA-DRA and is associated with HLA-DRA, DRB5 and DQA2 gene expression. PMID: 22096524
  26. Molecular Dynamics simulations of the MuBetaRho 83-99 (Phe91) and MuBetaRho 83-99 (Tyr91) peptide analogues in complex with HLA-DR2 (DRA, DRB1*1501) and T-cell receptors were performed. PMID: 21898163
  27. This study indicated that the association between rs3129882 and parkinson disease remains unclear and requires further study. PMID: 21482477
  28. HLA-DR(+) endothelial cells regulate the local inflammatory allogeneic response, promoting either an IL-6/STAT-3-dependent Th17 response or a contact-CD54-dependent regulatory response according to the cytokine environment. PMID: 21282653
  29. Upregulation of HLA-DRA is associated with acute pancreas allograft rejection. PMID: 20497195
  30. The skeletal muscles of myasthenia gravis up regulation of MHC class @@. PMID: 20546939
  31. predictive value of expression in diagnosis of acute promyelocytic leukemia PMID: 20232575
  32. Continuous veno-venous hemofiltration is effective in removal of many plasma cytokines and in improvement of monocyte HLA-DR expression in septic patients. PMID: 20202859
  33. DNMT1 and HLA-DRalpha are prognostic factors for hepatocelluar carcinoma. PMID: 18931722
  34. Data show that pollen grains triggered the production of IL-8, TNF-alpha, IL-6 and strongly upregulated the membrane expression of CD80, CD86, CD83, HLA-DR and caused only a slight increase in the expression of CD40. PMID: 20118277
  35. Findings show that Sug1 is crucial for regulating histone H3K4me3 and H3R17me2 at the cytokine inducible MHC-II and CIITA promoters. PMID: 19660582
  36. Studies indicate that five SNPs showed genome-wide significant association with MS: HLA-DRA, IL7R, IL2RA, CD58 and CLEC16A. PMID: 19834503
  37. P. gingivalis membrane vesicles apparently inhibited IFN-gamma-induced MHC class II (HLA-DRalpha) by disrupting the IFN-gamma signaling transduction pathway. PMID: 11854199
  38. IFN-gamma-induced HLA-DRA expression was inhibited by nitric oxide (NO) and antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate, and N-acetylcysteine PMID: 12006557
  39. The donor TNFRSF6 polymorphism dierctly or indirectly influences acute kidney rejection episodes. PMID: 14736971
  40. different regions of the cytoplasmic tails are involved in the association and the recruitment of HLA-DR(A & B1) into different compartments. HLA-DP and -DR interact differently with the cytoskeleton. PMID: 14976194
  41. Data show that Oct-1 occupies the endogenous HLA-DRA promoter when the HLA-DRA promoter is inactive in retinoblastoma protein-defective cells. PMID: 15105429
  42. Overexpression of HLA-DRA is associated with ovarian and other cancers PMID: 15467430
  43. Downregulation of HLA-DRA is associated with early intrahepatic recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma PMID: 15688398
  44. Alleles of IL2RA and IL7RA and those in the HLA locus are identified as heritable risk factors for multiple sclerosis. PMID: 17660530
  45. HLA-DR alpha 2 domain (sHLA-DRalpha2) induces negative signals by engaging TIRC7 on lymphocytes, inhibiting proliferation and inducing apoptosis in CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells via activation of the intrinsic pathway PMID: 18270567
  46. although lysine 219 is absolutely required for modification of DRalpha, other features of the DRalpha tail act to limit the extent of ubiquitination. PMID: 19117940
  47. T cell receptor view of HLA-DRA in pocket 9 shows that the arrangement of residues in this pocket promotes anchoring of either large aliphatic or aromatic amino acids at this position. PMID: 19648278

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Subcellular Location
Cell membrane; Single-pass type I membrane protein. Endoplasmic reticulum membrane; Single-pass type I membrane protein. Early endosome membrane; Single-pass type I membrane protein. Late endosome membrane; Single-pass type I membrane protein. Lysosome membrane; Single-pass type I membrane protein. Autolysosome membrane; Single-pass type I membrane protein.
Protein Families
MHC class II family
Tissue Specificity
Expressed in professional APCs: macrophages, dendritic cells and B cells (at protein level). Expressed in thymic epithelial cells (at protein level).
Database Links

HGNC: 4947

OMIM: 142860

KEGG: hsa:3122

STRING: 9606.ENSP00000378786

UniGene: Hs.520048

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