What is the Best COVID-19 Testing Method?
What is the Best COVID-19 Testing Method?Since the breakout in late 2019, COVID-19 has repeatedly failed to be fully contained. At present, the Omicron strain has replaced the Delta strain as the main circulating strain in the world. Omicron variant strains a...
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Song Wei's team reveals the pathogenesis of cancer cachexia: gut-kidney immune axis and uric acid metabolism
Song Wei's team reveals the pathogenesis of cancer cachexia: gut-kidney immune axis and uric acid metabolismCancer cachexia or tumor-induced host wasting is common in a variety of cancers, such as pancreatic cancer, gastric cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer, etc. It is one of the important causes of death in cancer patien...
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How did SARS-CoV-2 Variants get Names?
How did SARS-CoV-2 Variants get Names?The COVID-19 outbreak has caused infection in a large number of people since it was discovered in late 2019. With the increase in the number of infected people and the continuation of the epidemic, SARS-CoV-2 continues t...
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Agrimonia pilosa, Galla rhois, and APRG64, Which has the best antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2?
Agrimonia pilosa, Galla rhois, and APRG64, Which has the best antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2?The COVID19 epidemic that broke out at the end of 2019 is still raging around the world. The mortality rate of SARS-CoV-2 is approximately 2.22% (as of March 5, 2021). Due to the severe threat this poses, development of ...
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The History Of Influenza Pandemics By The Numbers
The History Of Influenza Pandemics By The NumbersWhen you see the World Health Organization (WHO) reporting that as of April 24, 2021, “there have been 145,216,414 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 3,079,390 deaths, reported to WHO,” it’s easy to think that ...
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Proteinase K and Its Market Development
Proteinase K and Its Market DevelopmentProteinase K has received more attention from the medical and pharmaceutical industries since the COVID-19 outbreak in late 2019. In fact, proteinase K has always been active in the scientific research field, while the g...
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Exosomes act as decoys to protect against bacterial toxins
Exosomes act as decoys to protect against bacterial toxinsExosomes are one type of extracellular vesicles that coated by double membranes, with a diameter of 30-150 nm. More knowledge of exosomes is elucidated in the article "What You Have to Know about Exosomes" in our website...
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A Classical Model Organism-C. elegans
A Classical Model Organism-C. elegansThe diversity of organisms are formed in the process of evolution. Different organisms have different morphological structures and physiological characteristics, but the genes that have important functions for life activ...
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How can a zebrafish help solve the mystery of hereditary brain diseases?
How can a zebrafish help solve the mystery of hereditary brain diseases?The zebrafish or Danio rerio is a small tropical freshwater fish. It reproduces easily, with a short breeding cycle, fertilization and development in vitro, transparent embryo body, and 87 percent high homology with huma...
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An altering method that has the potential to treat hemophilia
An altering method that has the potential to treat hemophiliaA group of researchers from Italy and the United States worked with several companies to find that adding a protein to a lentiviral vector protects them from the immune system. In a paper published in the journal Science...
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Brain protein acts on neurons to control body weight
Brain protein acts on neurons to control body weightA study led by researchers at the University of Montreal Hospital Research Center (CRCHUM) demonstrated for the first time that acyl-CoA binding proteins or ACBP in mice have a direct effect on neurons, keeping rodents a...
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A potential treatment for Friedreich's ataxia - hypoxia
A potential treatment for Friedreich's ataxia - hypoxiaFriedreich's ataxia (FRDA) is an autosomal recessive disorder that causes progressive damage to the nervous system. According to statistics, about one in 50,000 people in the world are affected by the ataxia of Friedreic...
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The Detection of Cytokines
The Detection of CytokinesIn 1957, Alick lsaacs and Jean Lindenmann studied the interference of heat-killing influenza virus on the growth of live virus in chicken chorionic chorioallantoic membrane fragments and found that heat-inactivated influ...
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A unique retinal model reveals the genetic basis of macular degeneration
A unique retinal model reveals the genetic basis of macular degenerationA study conducted by the Institute of Genomic Medicine at the University of California, San Diego Medical School uncovered the genetic basis for age-related macular degeneration. These findings were published on the Stem...
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A new treatment strategy for incurable kidney disease
A new treatment strategy for incurable kidney diseaseThe kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located below the chest, arranged on either side of the body. The main function of the kidney is to filter out the waste from the blood and excrete it from the urine. In addition, t...
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Discovery of new brain mechanisms that regulate body weight
Discovery of new brain mechanisms that regulate body weightObesity is a global health-threatening disease. According to statistics, there are more than 1.9 billion overweight individuals, about one-third of whom are obese. Obesity hides the potential risks of many diseases, so e...
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TET proteins regulate the factors necessary for normal antibody production
TET proteins regulate the factors necessary for normal antibody productionRecently, the team at the La Jolla Institute of Immunology has reported in the journal Science Immunology that genetic deletion or mutation of TET2 and TET3 in mouse B cells inhibits the production of functional IgG anti...
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The discovery of neurofibromatosis type II identifies a potential new way to fight cancer
The discovery of neurofibromatosis type II identifies a potential new way to fight cancerNeurofibromatosis type II (NF2) is a rare genetic disorder affecting approximately one in four people. About half of these people are genetically ill, while the other half develop spontaneous mutations without a family h...
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Protein accumulation affects the social behavior of mice by altering brain signals
Protein accumulation affects the social behavior of mice by altering brain signalsAutophagy was proposed by Keith R. Porter and Thomas Ashford in 1962 when they discovered that the cells themselves "eat themselves".  Autophagy refers to the cells degrade the excess or missing components. It allow...
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Discovery of a compound that inhibits the growth of neuroblastoma cells
Discovery of a compound that inhibits the growth of neuroblastoma cellsResearchers at Louisiana State University Health New Orleans Medical School have discovered that a compound called 5'-iodotubercidin(5'-IT)  inhibits the growth of neuroblastoma cells and determines the possibility ...
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A new method for finding compounds to prevent aging
A new method for finding compounds to prevent agingAging refers to a natural phenomenon that as age increases, the self-tissue structure will gradually undergo degenerative changes, the function of body organs will decline, the ability of internal environment self-stabil...
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Identification of STK25 kinase as an inhibitor of the Hippo signaling pathway
Identification of STK25 kinase as an inhibitor of the Hippo signaling pathwayA study published in the journal Nature Communications showed that researchers have discovered a new Hippo signaling pathway inhibitor, which may provide new insights into how the key signaling pathway is shut down in ca...
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Researchers have determined how liver cells can withstand virus attacks
Researchers have determined how liver cells can withstand virus attacksThe liver is the largest digestive gland and metabolic organ in the human body. It also has detoxification, immunity, and hematopoiesis. The liver is an important organ that supports almost all other organs of the body. ...
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Discovery of the path that causes fatty liver
Discovery of the path that causes fatty liverA study published in the journal Nature Communications described a protein that is a key regulator of fatty liver disease in mice. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a liver disease characterized by no histor...
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Growth hormone works to prevent weight loss
Growth hormone works to prevent weight lossFor many years, the role of growth hormone (GH) has been simply thought to stimulate bone maturity and linear bone growth and maintain tissues and organs throughout life. However, researchers at the University of Sao Pau...
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The discovery of a gene that plays an important role in reducing brain swelling after stroke
The discovery of a gene that plays an important role in reducing brain swelling after strokeWhen a person has a stroke, the brain becomes inflamed, which enlarges the injured area and leads to more disability, such as physical movement disorders, cognitive impairment, and speech dysphagia. Stroke sequelae have ...
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Blocking activity of a protein can restore cognitive ability in old mice
Blocking activity of a protein can restore cognitive ability in old miceA study online published in Nature has shown that the ability to block the activity of a protein with antibodies can improve cognitive behavior in aging mice. Tony Wyss-Coray, a senior author of the study, h...
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Obesity may be not your fault, but anti-fat gene
Obesity may be not your fault, but anti-fat geneMexican Hwan Peh-dro Frahn-ko (Juan Pedro Franco) weighed nearly 600 kilogrammes (over half a tonne) at his heaviest. This is really a surprising weight! However, the lives of overweight people like Juan can be difficult...
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How do immune cells help tumors escape the body's defenses?
How do immune cells help tumors escape the body's defenses?In recent years, the fourth largest therapy for cancer, immunotherapy, has brought new breakthroughs in cancer treatment. Although immunotherapeutic drugs that block inhibitory cell surface molecules such as PD1 have rev...
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A healthy heart needs two proteins to work together
A healthy heart needs two proteins to work togetherA study published in Science Signaling showed that two proteins work in combination with stress hormones to maintain heart health in mice. The study, led by scientists at the National Institutes of Health and their colla...
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Migraine-associated protein triggers pain with gender specificity
Migraine-associated protein triggers pain with gender specificityMigraine is a common chronic neurovascular disorder and the second leading cause of disability. Migraine is mainly characterized by episodic moderate-to-severe, pulsatile headache. Most of the headaches are unilateral, u...
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A gene has found to drive cancer immune responses
A gene has found to drive cancer immune responsesCancer has shown an outbreak in recent years, regardless of age or gender. Cancer is one of the major diseases that currently seriously affect human health and threaten human life. And cancer is one of the biggest causes...
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New potential therapeutic targets for pancreatic cancer
New potential therapeutic targets for pancreatic cancerAn online study published in the journal Nature has shown that researchers at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center have developed state-of-the-art methods to track how proteins on the surface of pancreatic c...
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New strategies for targeting common cancers
New strategies for targeting common cancersA study published in eLife showed that targeting a protein called WRN (Werner Syndrome Helicase) is expected to treat patients with high microsatellite instability tumors. Microsatellite instability (MSI) re...
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A small but important guy--miRNA
A small but important guy--miRNAIn 1989, Victor Ambros discovered that the gene lin-4 controls the development of C. elegans larvae by inhibiting the lin-14 gene. However, he thought the gene lin-4 expressed a regulatory protein that inhibited the ex...
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Prostate cancer cells release a protein that promotes self-growth
Prostate cancer cells release a protein that promotes self-growthRecently, a study called 'Membrane insertion and secretion of Engrailed-2 (EN2) transcription factor by prostate cancer cells may induce antiviral activity in the stroma' has been published in the Scientific Reports. The...
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A protein can provide clues for the treatment of graft versus host disease
A protein can provide clues for the treatment of graft versus host diseaseWhen an immunodeficient person receives an implant containing immunocompetent cells (bone marrow, thymus, etc.), it usually causes immunological damage to the cells in this person but not the graft. This phenomenon is ca...
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Why are you drunk?
Why are you drunk?Wine is an essential drink for gatherings or feasts, but some people fall for a cup, and some people are not drunk for a thousand cups. Andre the Giant, a Frenchman, his record was to drink 120 to 150 bottles of beer a...
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Discovery of therapeutic targets for melanoma
Discovery of therapeutic targets for melanomaA study led by a professor of dermatology at Boston University School of Medicine Herbert Mescon has shown that they have identified a biomarker and a possible new treatment for melanoma. These findings were published in...
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Proteins associated with cancer growth can promote fatal lung disease
Proteins associated with cancer growth can promote fatal lung diseaseIdiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a disease with unknown causes, which causes lung scarring and stiffness. As time goes by, scars will worsen and stiffness will make breathing more difficult. Ultimately, the lungs m...
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Immunotherapy to treat cancer
Immunotherapy to treat cancerCancer is the second leading cause of death in the world, with an estimated 9.6 million people worldwide dying of cancer in 2018. Globally, about one in six deaths are due to cancer. The number of people who die from c...
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A newly found mouse model for the research of human gastric cancer
A newly found mouse model for the research of human gastric cancerMice play an important role in cancer research, but like all other animal models of human disease, mice have their limitations. Especially for gastric cancer, mice have always been considered to be poor subjects because ...
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Brain stem cells age faster in patients with multiple sclerosis
Brain stem cells age faster in patients with multiple sclerosisA study led by UConn Health has shown that the brain stem cells of the most severe multiple sclerosis patients appear to be much older than the actual age. Premature aging cells have a different role in the brain than no...
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Epidemic Dengue Fever in Southeast Asia
Epidemic Dengue Fever in Southeast AsiaWhat is the number one killer in the world? Is this a war? Is it a traffic accident? Or is it a tsunami? No, these are not! It is a disease, especially a plague, which has claimed many lives. A plague in history caused...
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Discovery of potential new markers of invasive prostate cancer
Discovery of potential new markers of invasive prostate cancerThe prostate is a sexual secretory gland with both internal and external secretory functions, located between the bladder and the urogenital ridge. The prostate secretes prostatic fluid, which is the main component of se...
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The balance of two enzymes is related to pancreatic cancer survival
The balance of two enzymes is related to pancreatic cancer survivalThe pancreas is deep in our upper abdomen, which is an inconspicuous organ. Although it is small, it is very important to human. The pancreas produces digestive enzymes that help digest foods especially fats, and it also...
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Precisely targeted liposomes inhibit the metastasis of triple-negative breast cancer in mice
Precisely targeted liposomes inhibit the metastasis of triple-negative breast cancer in miceResearchers at the Boston Children's Hospital teamed up with bioengineers at the City College of New York (CCNY), found in a mouse model of triple-negative breast cancer, dual targets with existing chemotherapy drugs tar...
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Cordycepin may provide new therapies for osteoarthritis
Cordycepin may provide new therapies for osteoarthritisA new study suggests that a substance in a fungus that infects caterpillars can provide new therapeutic hopes for patients with osteoarthritis. In 1951, Cunningham of Germany purified in Cordyceps militaris ...
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Why do some brain tumors response to immunotherapy?
Why do some brain tumors response to immunotherapy? Glioblastoma is a malignant and invasive brain tumor. Patients usually have surgical removal of the tumor as much as possible, followed by radiation and chemotherapy. However, the prognosis of glioblastoma is very severe...
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Immunotherapy can effectively treat patients with recurrent glioblastoma
Immunotherapy can effectively treat patients with recurrent glioblastomaIn recent years, immunotherapy has become increasingly popular in the treatment of cancer, a method of killing cancer cells using the body's own immune system. Among them, immunotherapeutics have been shown to be helpful...
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