CUSABIO Monthly Citation Review: 220 New Product Citations in January, Total Citations Reach 24,500!
CUSABIO Monthly Citation Review: 220 New Product Citations in January, Total Citations Reach 24,500!Thank you for your continuous support of CUSABIO! As 2025 begins, we are off to a great start: In January, CUSABIO products were cited in 220 publications, with a cumulative impact factor of over 1100, bringing the total...
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Advancing Together: A Review of CUSABIO's 2024 Annual Citations
Advancing Together: A Review of CUSABIO's 2024 Annual CitationsCUSABIO has been committed to providing customers with outstanding products and innovative solutions to facilitate breakthroughs in the scientific research field. This year, our products were cited in an estimated 2800 c...
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2024 Review: CUSABIO's Innovation and Growth
2024 Review: CUSABIO's Innovation and GrowthAs 2024 concludes, we prepare to usher in the New Year and embark on a fresh temporal journey. Marked by both challenges and opportunities, this year has been a rollercoaster. Together, we've remained true to our mission...
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CUSABIO Monthly Citations Review: November 2024, Over 230 Citations with an Impact Factor Exceeding 1200, Totaling 24,100 Articles!
CUSABIO Monthly Citations Review: November 2024, Over 230 Citations with an Impact Factor Exceeding 1200, Totaling 24,100 Articles!Thank you for your continued support of CUSABIO! In November of 2024, articles related to CUSABIO products were published in excess of 230, with a cumulative impact factor exceeding 1200. The total number of articles has...
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CUSABIO Monthly Citations Review: October 2024, Over 240 Citations with an Impact Factor Exceeding 1200, Totaling 23,800 Articles!
CUSABIO Monthly Citations Review: October 2024, Over 240 Citations with an Impact Factor Exceeding 1200, Totaling 23,800 Articles!Thank you for your continued support of CUSABIO! In October of 2024, articles related to CUSABIO products were published in excess of 240, with a cumulative impact factor exceeding 1200. The total number of articles has ...
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CUSABIO Quarterly Citations Review: Q3 2024, Over 720 Citations with an Impact Factor Exceeding 3500, Totaling 23,600 Articles!
CUSABIO Quarterly Citations Review: Q3 2024, Over 720 Citations with an Impact Factor Exceeding 3500, Totaling 23,600 Articles!Thank you for your continued support of CUSABIO! In the third quarter of 2024, articles related to CUSABIO products were published in excess of 720, with a cumulative impact factor exceeding 3500. The total number of art...
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CUSABIO Monthly Citations Review: In August, 240 High-Impact Citations, 23,400 Total Articles!
CUSABIO Monthly Citations Review: In August, 240 High-Impact Citations, 23,400 Total Articles!Thank you for your continued support of CUSABIO! In August 2024, articles related to CUSABIO products were published in excess of 240, with a cumulative impact factor exceeding 1200. The total number of articles has reac...
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CUSABIO Monthly Citations Review:240 High-Impact Citations, 23,200 Total Articles!
CUSABIO Monthly Citations Review:240 High-Impact Citations, 23,200 Total Articles!Thank you for your continued support of CUSABIO! In July 2024, articles related to CUSABIO products were published in excess of 240, with a cumulative impact factor exceeding 1200. The total number of articles has reache...
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CUSABIO Quarterly Citations Review: 800 High-Impact Citations, 23000 Total Articles!
CUSABIO Quarterly Citations Review: 800 High-Impact Citations, 23000 Total Articles!Thank you for your continued support of CUSABIO! In the second quarter of 2024, articles related to CUSABIO products were published in excess of 800, with a cumulative impact factor exceeding 4000. The total number of ar...
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CUSABIO May Citations Review: 260 High-Impact Citations, Cumulative Impact Factor Exceeds 1200+!
CUSABIO May Citations Review: 260 High-Impact Citations, Cumulative Impact Factor Exceeds 1200+!Thank you for your continuous support to CUSABIO! In the May, 2024, CUSABIO products published more than 260 articles with a cumulative impact factor of 1200+! The total number of articles has reached 23,700! Thank you f...
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CUSABIO April Citations Review: 300 High-Impact Citations, Cumulative Impact Factor Exceeds 1500+!
CUSABIO April Citations Review: 300 High-Impact Citations, Cumulative Impact Factor Exceeds 1500+!Thank you for your continuous support to CUSABIO! In the April, 2024, CUSABIO products published more than 300 articles with a cumulative impact factor of 1500+! The total number of articles has reached 23,600! Thank you...
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CUSABIO Quarterly Citations Review: 918 High-Impact Citations, Cumulative Impact Factor Exceeds 5000+!
CUSABIO Quarterly Citations Review: 918 High-Impact Citations, Cumulative Impact Factor Exceeds 5000+!Thank you for your continuous support to CUSABIO! In the first quarter of 2024, CUSABIO products published more than 918 articles with a cumulative impact factor of 5000+! The total number of articles has reached 22,500!...
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CUSABIO Annual Literature Review: 2000+ High-Impact Papers, Cumulative Impact Factor Exceeds 10,000+!
CUSABIO Annual Literature Review: 2000+ High-Impact Papers, Cumulative Impact Factor Exceeds 10,000+!As we bid farewell to 2023, CUSABIO remains committed to delivering top-notch products and innovative solutions to support researchers worldwide. In the past year, CUSABIO products have been cited in over 2...
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CUSABIO Quarterly Literature Review: Over 1000 High Impact Factor Papers, Cumulative Impact Factor Surpasses 4000+!
CUSABIO Quarterly Literature Review: Over 1000 High Impact Factor Papers, Cumulative Impact Factor Surpasses 4000+!Thank you for your continued support of CUSABIO! In the third quarter of 2023, CUSABIO products have contributed to the publication of over 100 research papers, with a cumulative impact factor exceeding 4000+! The total ...
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Notice of Logo Update for CUSABIO Technology LLC
Notice of Logo Update for CUSABIO Technology LLCDear Valued Customers and Partners, In light of CUSABIO's continuous growth and the evolution of our corporate strategy, we are dedicated to elevating our brand identity and influence. Commencing from September 1,...
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CUSABIO Semi-annual Literature Review: Consolidating 1500+ High Impact Factor Papers, Cumulative Impact Factor Exceeds 5000+!
CUSABIO Semi-annual Literature Review: Consolidating 1500+ High Impact Factor Papers, Cumulative Impact Factor Exceeds 5000+!Thank you for your continuous support to CUSABIO! In the first half of 2023, CUSABIO's products have contributed to over 1500 publications with a cumulative impact factor exceeding 5000+! The total number of publications...
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Great News! CUSABIO's Quarterly Citation: 455 Papers, 2356.7842 Impact Factor!
Great News! CUSABIO's Quarterly Citation: 455 Papers, 2356.7842 Impact Factor!Thank you for supporting CUSABIO! Our products were cited in 455 publications for this quarter, with a impact factor of 2356.7842! These publications show that our products are reliable and trusted by our customers. By u...
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The visit from CliniSciences in France
The visit from CliniSciences in FranceMr. Tushendan RASIAH, the CEO of CliniSciences in France, had a visit to CUSABIO on October 11, 2016. Mr. RASIAH received a warm welcome from us and had an unforgettable day in CUSABIO. Accompanied by staff members in...
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Epigenetics expert from Johns Hopkins took a visit to CUSABIO
Epigenetics expert from Johns Hopkins took a visit to CUSABIODr. Zhibin Wang, an epigenetics expert at Johns Hopkins University in America, took a visit to CUSABIO on 20th April. The Deputy General Manager Hexiao Shen received him very warmly and accompanied him to have a view of ...
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The visit from Cedarlane labs
The visit from Cedarlane labsThe third visit from Cedarlane labs started on November 6th 2015. The president Cynthia Greer and the marketing manager Kyle from Cedarlane labs took photos with us happily in the reception desk to freeze-frame the good ...
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The visit from Antibodies-online
The visit from Antibodies-onlineThe fifth visit from Antibodies-online started on November 12th, 2015. The top leaders of CUSABIO received the foreign friends warmly. Both sides had a friendly talk on future cooperation in the meeting room. About An...
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The visit from Nordic BioSite in Sweden
The visit from Nordic BioSite in SwedenA technical support professional from Nordic BioSite in Sweden, Mrs. Liu, had a visit to CUSABIO on August 6th with her husband. The sales manager Ms. Ye and the R&D manager Mr. Ma received them warmly, and showed th...
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The visit from Innova Biosciences in the UK
The visit from Innova Biosciences in the UKThe chairman Tim Bernard and executive manager Andrew Lane from Innova Biosciences in the UK had a visit to CUSABIO on April 28th, 2015. The president Mr. Hua and executive vice president Dr. Shen received them warmly. A...
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CUSABIO attended the 2015 AACC in Atlanta
CUSABIO attended the 2015 AACC in AtlantaUnder the leading of the general manager Mr. Hua, six staff members in CUSABIO have had a visit to Atlanta. The main purpose of the visit is to attend the 2015 AACC. CUSABIO was located at the booth 4612. A lot of vis...
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The second attendance at MEDICA in Dusseldorf, Germany
The second attendance at MEDICA in Dusseldorf, GermanyMEDICA 2014 was held from November 12-15 in Dusseldorf, Germany. Under the leading of the general manager Mr. Hua, five staff members of CUSABIO took a flight to Germany to attend MEDICA, and this is the second attendanc...
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The visit from Group Research Tech. Inc. in Taiwan
The visit from Group Research Tech. Inc. in TaiwanThe General Management Department director Ms. Geng from Group Research Tech. Inc. in Taiwan had a visit to CUSABIO on October 23, 2014. The general manager Mr. Hua received the guest warmly and had a talk in the meeting...
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The fourth visit from Antibodies-online
The fourth visit from Antibodies-onlineThe president Andreas Kessell, the administrative director Jana Kolbert and the head of the Chinese region Simon from Antibodies-online had a visit to CUSABIO on October 10, 2014. This is their fourth visit to CUSABIO. ...
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The visit from BIOLIM in Poland
The visit from BIOLIM in PolandThe boss of BIOLIM, Paulina, had a visit to CUSABIO on September 5, 2014. Accompanied by the general manager Quangao Hua and the executive vice president Hexiao Shen, Paulina visited the R&D department and the produc...
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Cusabio attended the 2014 AACC Annual Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo
Cusabio attended the 2014 AACC Annual Meeting & Clinical Lab ExpoUnder the leading of the general manager Mr. Hua, four staff members of CUSABIO went on a eight-day trip to Chicago. The main purpose of this visiting is to attend the 2014 AACC Annual Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo hel...
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Upcoming Event: AACC, 27-31 July 2014
Upcoming Event: AACC, 27-31 July 2014Cusabio invites you to visit us during the Clinical Lab Expo in Chicago! Our most popular products and services will be displayed at the convention, and we are sure there will be something that appeal to you. ...
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The visit from Kim & Friends in Korea
The visit from Kim & Friends in KoreaThe president Kevin Kim, the general manager Hyosung Lee, and the application specialists Bo Ram Kwon, M.S., and Tae Woo Kim, Ph.D., from Kim & Friends Inc. in Korea came for a visit to CUSABIO on 28 February 2014. ...
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The visit from Space Import-Export
The visit from Space Import-ExportThe sales director Mr. Luca Cicchetti from Space Import-Export in Italy came to CUSABIO for a visit on February 26, 2014. The general manager Quangao Hua, the executive deputy general manager Hexiao Shen and the sales pe...
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The visit from Bio-Connect Diagnostics B.V in the Netherlands
The visit from Bio-Connect Diagnostics B.V in the NetherlandsThe sales manager Mr. Dew Doekharan and the sales director Mr. Anand Lachmansingh from Bio-Connect Diagnostics B.V in the Netherlands came to CUSABIO for a visit on 25 February 2014. The general manager Quangao Hua, the ...
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The visit from 2BScientific in the UK
The visit from 2BScientific in the UKThe CEO Mr. Tim Bernard from 2BScientific in the UK had a visit to CUSABIO on March 4, 2014, and was warmly received by the leadership in our company. Mr. Tim Bernard spoke highly of our strong development capability ...
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The visit from Selleck Chemicals in America
The visit from Selleck Chemicals in AmericaThe product director Wang Dong, the technical advisers Dr LeiJing and Dr Xu Hua, along with Zheng Qinyuan from Selleck Chemicals in America had a friendly visit to CUSABIO on December 26, 2013. They visited our R&D d...
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The visit from Cedarlane Labs in Canada
The visit from Cedarlane Labs in CanadaThe president Cynthia Greer and the adviser Dr. Ping Jiang from Cedarlane Labs in Canada had a second visit to CUSABIO on December 2, 2013. They visited our new workplace this time, including R&D department, producti...
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The second visit from Cosmo Genetech in Korea
The second visit from Cosmo Genetech in KoreaThe president Mr. SangHyuk Ma, the technical director Dr. Juil Kang, together with the international marketing manager Steve Kim from Cosmo Genetech in Korea took their second visit of CUSABIO on November 28, 2013. Our t...
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Cusabio attended MEDICA in Dusseldorf, Germany
Cusabio attended MEDICA in Dusseldorf, GermanyMEDICA 2013 - 45th International Trade Fair with Congress World Forum for Medicine was held from 20 - 23 November 2013 in Dusseldorf, Germany. Cusabio attended the exhibition actively. We dealt with the dealers from d...
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The visit from Hölzel Diagnostika Handels GmbH in Germany
The visit from Hölzel Diagnostika Handels GmbH in GermanyMr. Hölzel and Ms. Anna from Hölzel Diagnostika Handels GmbH in Germany came for a visit to CUSABIO on November 14, 2013. The guests gave full affirmation and praise to our production scale and product quality, and gav...
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The visit from Axon Scientific to Cusabio
The visit from Axon Scientific to CusabioThe dealer Mr. Mah of Axon Scientific in Malaysia came to CUSABIO on November 12, 2013, and he received a warm welcome from CUSABIO.   Axon Scientific LTD ( is a vibrant and dynamic ...
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ONEBIO had a visit to CUSABIO
ONEBIO had a visit to CUSABIOThe president Choi Jin Ho, the technical and marketing director Ms. Aileen Kim, and the marketing manager Joseph Park of ONEBIO from Korea had a visit to CUSABIO on October 30, 2013. After a visit to our R&D departme...
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ORGENE from the United States took a visit to CUSABIO
ORGENE from the United States took a visit to CUSABIOThe president of ORGENE Dr. Ding from the United States had a visit to CUSABIO on October 30, 2013. Our general manager Quangao Hua received him warmly, and showed him around our company. Then, both sides had a talk in t...
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The third visit to CUSABIO from antibodies-online GmbH
The third visit to CUSABIO from antibodies-online GmbHThe president Dr. Andreas Kessell, the marketing director Philippe Eckerle, and the administrative director Jana Kolbert from antibodies-online GmbH in Germany came to CUSABIO for a visit on October 10th. That is their t...
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A visit from Salima in Saudi Arabia
A visit from Salima in Saudi Arabia The marketing managers Mr. Ahamed and Mr. Faisal and the product manager Mr. Alex from Salima in Saudi Arabia took a visit to CUSABIO on September 25th, 2013.   Salima is an agent company specialized in hospital c...
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NOTICE OF REMOVALDear customers,   We are pleased to announce that our company moved to Wuhan Hi-tech Medical Devices Park on August 10, 2013. Our new address is as below:   Postal Address: Wuhan Hi-tech Medical Devices Par...
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The visit from PSL
The visit from PSLThe business development manager James Mosedale from PSL had a visit to CUSABIO recently. Our general manager and technical director received him warmly. Both sides had a friendly talk in the meeting room and reached a p...
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The second visit from Cosmo Bio
The second visit from Cosmo BioOn the morning of February 21, 2013, Ms. Junko from Cosmo Bio came to CUSABIO for the second time to renew exclusive distribution cooperation with us. During the talk, Ms. Junko introduced their company composition as...
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CUSABIO honored
CUSABIO honored "Asia Pacific Top 500 Enterprises of Deloitte High-Tech & Fast Growing in 2012"After the "China Top 50 Enterprises of Deloitte High-Tech & Fast Growing in 2012", CUSABIO was honored the "Asia Pacific Top 500 Enterprises of Deloitte High-Tech & Fast Growing in 2012" in HongKong on 6th Decemb...
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Argoslab in Brazil took a visit to CUSABIO
Argoslab in Brazil took a visit to CUSABIOOn the morning of November 28th, 2012, the president Odair Virtos from Argoslab in Brazil, together with the head of sales Mitiko, took a visit to CUSABIO. The general manager Quangao Hua gave a warm reception to the gue...
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The visit from Cosmo Genetics in Korea
The visit from Cosmo Genetics in KoreaThe president Mr. SangHyuk Ma and the international marketing manager Steve Kim from Cosmo Genetics in Korea took a visit to CUSABIO on October 15, 2012. The top leaders including the general manager and the technical di...
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