Human Neurotrophin-3,NT-3 ELISA KIT

Code CSB-E04686h
Size 96T,5×96T,10×96T
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Trial Size 24T ELISA Kit Trial Size (Only USD$150/ kit)
* Sample kit cost can be deducted as a $30 credit for each 96-assay kit of the same analyte and brand you subsequently purchase in six months till depleted. Apply now

Product Details

Target Name
Alternative Names
HDNF ELISA Kit; MGC129711 ELISA Kit; Nerve growth factor 2 ELISA Kit; Neurotrophic factor ELISA Kit; Neurotrophin 3 precursor ELISA Kit; Neurotrophin-3 ELISA Kit; Neurotrophin3 ELISA Kit; NGF 2 ELISA Kit; NGF-2 ELISA Kit; NGF2 ELISA Kit; NT 3 ELISA Kit; NT-3 ELISA Kit; NT3 ELISA Kit; NTF 3 ELISA Kit; NTF3 ELISA Kit; NTF3_HUMAN ELISA Kit
Uniprot No.
Homo sapiens (Human)
Sample Types
serum, plasma, cell culture supernates
Detection Range
1.25 ng/mL-80 ng/mL
0.31 ng/mL
Assay Time
Sample Volume
Detection Wavelength
450 nm
Research Area
Assay Principle

Intra-assay Precision (Precision within an assay): CV%<8%

Three samples of known concentration were tested twenty times on one plate to assess.

Inter-assay Precision (Precision between assays): CV%<10%

Three samples of known concentration were tested in twenty assays to assess.


To assess the linearity of the assay, samples were spiked with high concentrations of human NT-3 in various matrices and diluted with the Sample Diluent to produce samples with values within the dynamic range of the assay.





Average %


Range %



Average %


Range %



Average %


Range %



Average %


Range %



The recovery of human NT-3 spiked to levels throughout the range of the assay in various matrices was evaluated. Samples were diluted prior to assay as directed in the Sample Preparation section.

Sample Type

Average % Recovery


Serum (n=5)



EDTA plasma (n=4)



Typical Data

These standard curves are provided for demonstration only. A standard curve should be generated for each set of samples assayed.














































and FAQs
Store at 2-8°C. Please refer to protocol.
Shelf Life
6 months
Lead Time
3-5 working days after you place the order, and it takes another 3-5 days for delivery via DHL or FedEx.

The Human Neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) ELISA KIT is the perfect tool for accurate and reliable detection of Neurotrophin-3 protein levels in human serum, plasma, and cell culture supernates.

NT-3, a protein encoded by the NTF3 gene in humans, plays a crucial role in the development and maintenance of the nervous system, making it a key research target in the field of neuroscience. Our ELISA kit offers a sensitive and specific way to quantitatively measure NT-3 levels, providing researchers with valuable insights into the role of this protein in various biological processes.

With a detection range of 1.25 ng/mL-80 ng/mL and a sensitivity of 0.31 ng/mL, this kit delivers accurate and reproducible results in just 1-5 hours. The assay principle is based on a sandwich ELISA method, ensuring high specificity and minimal interference from other proteins in the sample.

The kit is easy to use, with a sample volume of 50-100ul, and a detection wavelength of 450 nm. Our Human Neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) ELISA KIT is perfect for researchers in the field of neuroscience looking to quantify Neurotrophin-3 levels in human samples accurately. With more than three citations, our kit has been proven to deliver reliable and consistent results, making it a trusted choice for researchers worldwide.

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Target Background

(From Uniprot)
Seems to promote the survival of visceral and proprioceptive sensory neurons.
Gene References into Functions
  1. NTF3 is a novel target gene of POU3F2 and that the POU3F2/NTF3 pathway plays a role in the process of neuronal differentiation. PMID: 29549646
  2. brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin 3 (NT3) levels in post-mortem brain tissue from patients with depression compared to healthy individuals - a proof of concept study PMID: 29102768
  3. NT-3 has been shown to be both an osteogenic and angiogenic factor, and can also enhance expression of the key osteogenic factor, BMP-2, as well as the major angiogenic factor, VEGF, to promote bone formation, vascularization, and bone healing PMID: 28370021
  4. High expression of NT-3 is associated with glioblastoma. PMID: 28402394
  5. Meta-analysis found the levels of both NT-3 and NT-4/5 were significantly increased in bipolar disorder patients. Through subgroup analysis, this increase persisted only in patients in depressed state, but not in manic or euthymic state. In addition, we found the differences in NT-3 and NT-4/5 were significantly associated with the duration of illness, but not by the mean age or female proportion. PMID: 27214525
  6. NT3 upregulates cellular proliferation, extracellular matrix protein production, and collagen deposition in human aortic valve interstitial cells through the Trk-Akt-cyclin D1 cascade. PMID: 28356268
  7. The analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) indicated that the mean serum GDNF and NTF3 levels of ADHD patients were significantly higher than that of controls. However, serum BDNF and NGF levels did not show any significant differences between groups. These results suggest that elevated serum GDNF and NTF3 levels may be related to ADHD in children. PMID: 27561780
  8. There were no differences in neurotrophin levels between patients with schizophrenia and controls. We found lower BDNF and higher NT-3 serum levels in depressed patients with schizophrenia. PMID: 26548545
  9. The results suggest a gene dose-association between the A allele of rs6332 and the onset of AD in varepsilon4 non-carriers and the NTF-3 rs6489630 polymorphism being a relevant risk factor for AD in patients lacking the ApoE-varepsilon4 allele in this Chinese sample. PMID: 26814132
  10. Survival, differentiation, and neuroprotective mechanisms of human stem cells complexed with neurotrophin-3-releasing pharmacologically active microcarriers in an ex vivo model of Parkinson's disease. PMID: 25925835
  11. No differences in plasma BDNF, NGF, NT3, NT4 and GDNF were found between autism spectrum disorders and control. PMID: 25275256
  12. NT-3 expression was found in axons of olfactory bulb. PMID: 24288162
  13. genetic variation in the NTF3 gene is related to susceptibility to emotional side effects in response to methylphenidate treatment in Korean children with ADHD. PMID: 23471121
  14. NT-3 appears to promote growth of metastatic breast cancer cells in the brain PMID: 23001042
  15. NT-3 promoted motility, migration, invasion, soft-agar colony growth and cytoskeleton restructuring in TrkC-expressing U2OS cells PMID: 23027130
  16. There was no association between the presence of rs11063714 and curve progression in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis in a 2117-person Japanese cohort. PMID: 23038618
  17. Results suggested that an NT-3 polymorphism, rs6332, may significantly influence executive function, reflecting interference performances among patients with mild-stage AD. PMID: 23075484
  18. These findings suggest that NT-3, BDNF, LIF and their combinations predominantly support different ontogenetic events at different developmental stages in the innervation of the inner ear. PMID: 23149719
  19. we identify a TrkB ligand, neurotrophin 3 (NTF3), as capable of activating TrkB to induce anoikis resistance, and show that NTF3 is also a direct target of miR-200c PMID: 23185507
  20. The specific aspects of proprioceptive sensory neuron subtype character is controlled by variation in the level of muscle NT-3 expression. PMID: 23522042
  21. NTF3 is transported from midbrain dopaminergic neurons and supports the survival of immature medium-sized spiny neurons. PMID: 23426664
  22. There is no significant difference in NGF, NT-3 and p75NTR expression in the myometrium or endometrium between the adenomyosis and the control group. PMID: 22454143
  23. protein levels of translational, splicing, processing, chaperone, protein handling, and metabolism machineries were shown to depend on neurotrophin-3-induced TrkC activation in the medulloblastoma cell line DAOY PMID: 18336001
  24. Mice carrying one or two platelet-derived growth factor beta-NT3 transgenes on a background null for wildtype NT-3 are generated by crossing with an NT-3 null strain; although still ataxic, mice from this cross could survive for periods longer than a year. PMID: 21787840
  25. NTF3 gene polymorphisms are not associated with the occurrence of idiopathic scoliosis, but the promoter polymorphism (rs11063714) is associated with the curve severity, implicating an alleviating role of NTF3 in the curve progression. PMID: 22158057
  26. Implantation of NT-3 gene-modified mesenchymal stem cells via a recombinant adenoviral vector into a demyelinated region of rat spinal cord results in significant improvement of locomotor function and electrophysiological restoration in rats. PMID: 21996274
  27. the study demonstrates for the first time that a neurotrophin factor can synergize with IGFBP-2 to promote hematopoietic cell expansion PMID: 22459634
  28. both apoptotic cell death and neuronal differentiation of tumor cells were the mechanisms of growth-inhibitory effect of NT-3-secreting human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells PMID: 21720807
  29. Release of peripheral blood mononuclear cell-derived NT-3 correlates with its concentration in the brain-parenchymal fraction and corpus callosum cross-sectional area and may exert a direct or indirect neuroprotective effect in multiple sclerosis. PMID: 22036954
  30. findings suggest that endogenous CNTF and exogenous BDNF and NT-3 play roles in the differentiation of embryonic spinal cord derived progenitor cells into astrocytes, neurons and oligodendrocytes, respectively PMID: 21698095
  31. Collagen-binding neurotrophin-3 promotes axonal regeneration after spinal cord transection. PMID: 20597688
  32. Co-culture of human neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) gene-modified Schwann cells (SCs) and human NT-3 receptor tyrosine protein kinase C (TrkC) gene-modified MSCs increase differentiation of neuron-like cells from mesenchymal stem cells. PMID: 19680743
  33. NT3 may be involved in early folliculogenesis, particularly in the activation of primordial follicles. PMID: 21392742
  34. Results suggest that proneurotrophin-3 and proBDNF may play important roles in the response to noise-induced injuries or ototoxic damage via the Sortilin:p75(NTR) death-signalling complex. PMID: 21261755
  35. Data show that serum NT-3 levels were similar in SSc and in the control group. PMID: 21085492
  36. preliminary evidence of an association between NTF3 and the intelligence and selective attention deficit in the Korean population. PMID: 20576502
  37. The results of this study suggested that increased serum NT-3 levels in BD are likely to be associated with the pathophysiology of manic and depressive symptoms. PMID: 20060128
  38. Report the proangiogenic capacity of NT-3 and propose NT-3 as a novel potential agent for the treatment of ischemic disease. PMID: 20360537
  39. TrkC ligand neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) is upregulated in a large fraction of aggressive human neuroblastomas (NBs) and that it blocks TrkC-induced apoptosis of human NB cell lines, consistent with the idea that TrkC is a dependence receptor. PMID: 20160348
  40. NGF and NT-3 concentrations are increased in children with hydrocephalus. PMID: 11580868
  41. Human eosinophils produce neurotrophin 3 on immunologic stimuli. PMID: 11877300
  42. Results suggest that the G(- 3004)-A3 haplotype has a modest effect of giving susceptibility to schizophrenia. PMID: 11920853
  43. NT3 is significantly decreased in the myenteric plexus of patients with active Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. PMID: 12598727
  44. Fibroblasts genetically modified to express human neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) were placed in, and distal to, the lesion cavity in chronic spinal cord injured rats; grafted animals exhibited significant growth of corticospinal axons PMID: 12710933
  45. Monocytes, produce, store and release nerve growth factor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor and NT-3 PMID: 15544837
  46. In transgenic mlc/NT-3 mice following nerve injury, NT-3 plays an important role during the early stages of spindle denervation that ultimately effects reinnervation by group II and gamma fibers. PMID: 15589528
  47. Circulating neurotrophin-3 levels increased in early neonatal life, possibly due to exposure to various stimuli soon after birth PMID: 15770067
  48. The present data on neurotrophin-specific transcriptional down-regulation of NT3 in human Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)indicate a pathophysiological role for neurotrophins in COPD. PMID: 15843147
  49. Human bronchial smooth muscle cells can express NGF, BDNF and NT-3. Expression may be differently regulated by inflammatory cytokines. Might have potential role in airway inflammation. PMID: 16441896
  50. Light and electron microscopy immunohistochemistry showed that tonsillar samples were positive for NT3. PMID: 16786155

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Subcellular Location
Protein Families
NGF-beta family
Tissue Specificity
Brain and peripheral tissues.
Database Links

HGNC: 8023

OMIM: 162660

KEGG: hsa:4908

STRING: 9606.ENSP00000397297

UniGene: Hs.99171

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