Plays a role in the signal transduction pathways mediated by multiple Wnt genes. Functions redundantly with other dishevelled family members throughout development. During embryonic and larval development, controls cell migration and/or cell fate specification of hypodermal cells, hypodermal seam cells, vulval precursor cells and, through distal tip cell migration, somatic gonad precursor cells. In early embryos, regulates the orientation of the mitotic spindle of blastomeres and specifically, along with dsh-2, is required for the correct mitotic spindle orientation of the ABar blastomere division plane. Controls the polarity and the asymmetric localization of downstream components of the wnt/beta-catenin asymmetry pathway, and in particular, controls the asymmetric localization of the wnt receptor lin-17/Frizzled in ectodermal blast B cells. May act redundantly with dsh-2 to regulate the expression and nuclear localization of the beta-catenin homolog wrm-2, but alone seems to be required for the polarity of wrm-2 during the asymmetric cell division of hypodermal seam cells. Also, maintains the polarity and migration of QL neuroblasts in larvae. During the embryonic development of touch receptor neurons, may act redundantly with dsh-1, downstream of wnt signaling ligands and the wnt receptor lin-17/Frizzled, to direct the growth of neurites of touch receptor neurons towards the anterior of the body of the worm and towards the PLM touch receptor neuron and other tail neurons. May play a role in the guidance of posterior D-type motor neuron axons along the anteroposterior axis.