Bovine Lactoferrin,LTF/LF ELISA kit

Code CSB-E11289b
Size 96T,5×96T,10×96T
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Trial Size 24T ELISA Kit Trial Size (Only USD$150/ kit)
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Product Details

Alternative Names
LTF ELISA Kit; Lactotransferrin ELISA Kit; Lactoferrin ELISA Kit; EC 3.4.21.-) [Cleaved into: Lactoferricin-B ELISA Kit; Lfcin-B)] ELISA Kit
Uniprot No.
Bos taurus (Bovine)
Sample Types
Detection Range
0.078 μg/ml-5 μg/ml
0.078 μg/ml
Assay Time
Sample Volume
Detection Wavelength
450 nm
Research Area
Assay Principle

Intra-assay Precision (Precision within an assay): CV%<8%

Three samples of known concentration were tested twenty times on one plate to assess.

Inter-assay Precision (Precision between assays): CV%<10%

Three samples of known concentration were tested in twenty assays to assess.

Typical Data

These standard curves are provided for demonstration only. A standard curve should be generated for each set of samples assayed.





































and FAQs
Store at 2-8°C. Please refer to protocol.
Shelf Life
6 months
Lead Time
3-5 working days after you place the order, and it takes another 3-5 days for delivery via DHL or FedEx.

The Bovine Lactoferrin (LTF/LF) ELISA Kit provides a quantitative approach to detecting bovine LTF in milk. Featuring a detection range of 0.078 μg/mL-5 μg/mL and a sensitivity of 0.078 μg/mL, the kit uses a competitive detection mechanism. In this mechanism, the LTF in the sample competes with a labeled LTF for binding to a limited number of antibody sites, creating an inverse relationship between the concentration of LTF in the sample and the assay signal, thus enabling precise quantification. The kit requires 50-100 μL of sample, has an assay time of 1-5 hours, and detects results at 450 nm. This bovine LTF ELISA kit has been included in several scientific papers.

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Target Background

(From Uniprot)
Transferrins are iron binding transport proteins which can bind two Fe(3+) ions in association with the binding of an anion, usually bicarbonate.; Lactotransferrin is a major iron-binding and multifunctional protein found in exocrine fluids such as breast milk and mucosal secretions. Has antimicrobial activity. Antimicrobial properties may include bacteriostasis, which is related to its ability to sequester free iron and thus inhibit microbial growth, as well as direct bactericidal properties leading to the release of lipopolysaccharides from the bacterial outer membrane. The most effective inhibitory activity is seen against E.coli and P.aeruginosa. Has anabolic, differentiating and anti-apoptotic effects on osteoblasts and can also inhibit osteoclastogenesis, possibly playing a role in the regulation of bone growth. Interferes with the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated TLR4 signaling, but cannot directly stimulate the TLR4 signaling pathway and subsequent NF-kappa-B activation.; Lactoferricin B is an antimicrobial peptide. Inhibits the growth of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria.; The lactotransferrin transferrin-like domain 1 functions as a serine protease of the peptidase S60 family that cuts arginine rich regions. This function contributes to the antimicrobial activity. Shows a preferential cleavage at -Arg-Ser-Arg-Arg-|- and -Arg-Arg-Ser-Arg-|-, and of Z-Phe-Arg-|-aminomethylcoumarin sites.
Gene References into Functions
  1. study first addressed in detail the LF/fOPN interaction and proposed a LF:fOPN 4/1 maximal stoichiometry. PMID: 28561851
  2. Retinoic acid enhanced TbetaRIII expression and that this increase contributed to LF-stimulated IgA production. PMID: 26277894
  3. lactoferrin and glutamate receptor-interacting protein 1 showed a twofold increase during the controlled internal drug release -induced estrous stage compared to the levels in non-estrous stage in bovine cervical mucus PMID: 27885724
  4. Review of preclinical studies in piglets fed bovine lactoferrin demonstrating the role of lactoferrin in gastrointestinal and immune development and function. PMID: 27234407
  5. Review of preclinical studies in piglets fed bovine lactoferrin demonstrating the role of lactoferrin in neurodevelopment and cognition. PMID: 27234408
  6. potential application as a nutraceutical to control inflammation in the distal small intestine PMID: 26318768
  7. Bovine lactoferrin SNPs -270T>C and -156A>G showed close linkage disequilibrium (r(2)=0.76). The SNP -190G>A showed a significant association with SCS, and individuals with genotype GG had higher SCS than genotypes AG and AA. PMID: 26679804
  8. Lf upregulated several canonical signaling pathways associated with neurodevelopment and cognition and influenced ~10 genes involved in the brain-derived neurotrophin factor (BDNF) signaling pathway. PMID: 25146846
  9. Results from this study indicated the probable role played by Lactoferrin promoter to serve as candidate gene for mastitis susceptibility among indigenous and crossbred milch cattle. PMID: 26618577
  10. Supplementation with lactoferrin (1,600 mg/kg per day) effectively suppressed the increase in transepidermal water loss, reduction in skin hydration, aberrant epidermal hyperplasia, and cell apoptosis induced by UV irradiation. PMID: 24359814
  11. Bovine Lf can capture and terminate the cycle of ROS production by heme iron. Luminal iron binding properties of Lf might assist in regulating excess levels of stored iron and down-regulate ferritin production and associated pro-inflammatory signaling. PMID: 25280951
  12. The results showed potent stimulation of the proliferative response of PBMC by bovine lactoferrin, associated with the induction of proinflammatory cytokines only in the case of colostral bovine lactoferrin. PMID: 25618111
  13. Lactoferrin (10 and 100 mug/mL) effectively inhibits apoptosis of primary rat osteoblasts by upregulating IGF-I expression. PMID: 24562308
  14. The the association between single nucleotide polymorphism (A/C) in position -28 located in the TATA box of LTF gene and the lactoferrin concentration in bovine milk secreted by healthy and infected udders. PMID: 25638977
  15. This study showed that neutrophils from periparturient heifers show impairment of COX-2 mRNA expression and lactoferrin, suggesting that these mechanisms may contribute to immunosuppression in cows around calving. PMID: 24852076
  16. The study confirms the suitability of the non-invasive milk-extracted pbMEC culture model to monitor the influence of feeding experiments on immunological situations in vivo. PMID: 22540894
  17. results suggest a two-step mechanism, whereby LfcinB induces TIMP-1 through an IL-11-dependent pathway involving transcription factor AP-1 and STAT3. PMID: 24036113
  18. the intracellular dynamics of LF taken up by three lines of human enterocytes PMID: 23649267
  19. potential DNA markers in the improvement of immunity to mastitis PMID: 23758855
  20. visceral fat reduction by LF may result from the promotion of lipolysis and the additional anti-adipogenic activity of LF PMID: 23470763
  21. the ability of LfcinB to antagonize IL-1 and LPS-mediated suppression of PG is upheld in an en bloc intradiscal microinjection model followed by ex vivo organ culture using both mouse and rabbit IVD tissue PMID: 23460134
  22. Recombinant gene expression and functional characterization of the antibacterial action of bovine lactoferrin. PMID: 23212211
  23. The presented sub fractionation protocol allows a thorough analysis of the full scope of bovine milk protein glycosylation. PMID: 22245701
  24. Glucose reduced the ability of LF to increase MC 3T3-E1 cell proliferation. PMID: 22450829
  25. Lactoferrin decreases inflammatory response by cystic fibrosis bronchial cells invaded with Burkholderia cenocepacia iron-modulated biofilm. PMID: 22230411
  26. The analgesic effect of lactoferrin LF on the nerve root continues during the whole experimental period, indicating that LF might be useful as pain-killer. PMID: 21374893
  27. bLF exerts a potent anti-inflammatory activity by skewing monocyte differentiation into dendritic cells PMID: 21799877
  28. CD209 mediates efficient infection of dendritic cells by adenovirus 2C in the presence of bovine lactoferrin. PMID: 21562123
  29. Bovine LF can mediate the prevention of lymphocyte activation and cytokine release in the bone micro-environment. PMID: 21303707
  30. These observations suggest that bovine lactoferrin promotes wound healing by increasing hyaluronan and type-I collagen synthesis. PMID: 20820878
  31. Study provides essential knowledge regarding the different roles of bioactive sites of lactoferrins in lectin-N-glycan recognition processes. PMID: 21055448
  32. lactoferrin forms highly stereo-specific dimers at neutral pH and that the self-association is driven by a high charge complementarity across the contact surface of the proteins PMID: 20674143
  33. inter-lobe region of bovine lactoferrin contributes to iron binding stability and antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus PMID: 20145976
  34. Since cable pili are implicated in mediating the bacterial interactions with mucin and epithelial cells, lactoferrin binding to these structures could play an important role in neutralizing bacterial infection in cystic fibrosis PMID: 20364433
  35. feasible route for lactoferrin to transduce its antiproliferative effect in HeLa cells PMID: 20347004
  36. analysis of the structures of complexes of C-terminal half (C-lobe) of colostrum protein lactoferrin with NSAIDs clearly shows that the compounds bind firmly at the same ligand-binding site in the C-lobe PMID: 20515646
  37. Exogenous lactoferrin exerts a protective effect against endotoxin cytotoxicity; in the cell line used, the response to exposure did not involve lactoferrin expression, suggesting a lack of functional endotoxin responsive elements. PMID: 20349360
  38. These results suggest that negatively charged lactoferrin aggregates adsorb only onto positively charged surfaces. PMID: 20207115
  39. polymorphisms at positions -586, -190, and -28 of the bovine lactoferrin promoter were associated with shorter or longer calving interval, somatic cell score and functional survival PMID: 20172245
  40. Three previously reported single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the 5' flanking region and one novel SNP in exon1 of Lf gene were identified. PMID: 19672694
  41. A binding site in C-lobe of lactoferrin shows a good complementarity for the acidic and lipophilic compounds such as NSAIDs. PMID: 20006955
  42. New functions of lactoferrin and beta-casein in mammalian milk as cysteine protease inhibitors. They might play a role in antiseptic and antiinfectious functions due to cysteine protease inhibition of bacteria and viruses. PMID: 12788072
  43. Crystal structure of a proteolytically generated functional monoferric C-lobe of bovine lactoferrin at 1.9A resolution PMID: 12888354
  44. lactoferrin has powerful anabolic, differentiating, and antiapoptotic effects on osteoblasts and inhibits osteoclastogenesis. PMID: 15166119
  45. Results describe the proteolytic activity of bovine lactoferrin. PMID: 15222473
  46. Data show that bovine lactoferrin, unrelated to its iron binding capability, is responsible for the inhibition of the adhesion of S. mutans free, aggregated or biofilm on abiotic surfaces. PMID: 15222477
  47. Data demonstrate that lactoferrin is anabolic to bone in vivo, with proliferative and anti-apoptotic actions in osteoblasts, and an ability to inhibit osteoclastogenesis. PMID: 15222486
  48. Results describe the 1H NMR relaxometric characterization of bovine lactoferrin. PMID: 15271520
  49. surface protein antigen (PAc) of Streptococcus mutans and bovine lactoferrin, of which residues 480 to 492 seem important, competitively bind to the SRCRP2 domain of salivary agglutinin PMID: 15385529
  50. Findings suggested that the lactoferrin promoter responds to infection via the NF-kappaB pathway. PMID: 15935571

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Subcellular Location
Secreted. Cytoplasmic granule.
Protein Families
Transferrin family
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