Active Protein

Product Features

  • High Purity: >97%
  • Low Endotoxin: Less than 1.0 EU/µg as determined by LAL method.
  • Active Verification: Biological activity up to > 1.0 × 109 IU/mg.
  • Uniform Delivery Form: Lyophilized Powder.
  • Tag Type: Tag free.
    The cytotoxicity assay of TNF

    The cytotoxicity assay of TNF

  • Carrier Free: dissolved in PBS before lyophilization, without BSA.
  • Animal free.
  • Delivery Time: In stock. Fast delivery within 5-10 business days.
  • Price & Size: Differnt sizes available and competitive prices.
  • Standard COA for each item.
  • Complete datasheet for each item.
Product Name Code Size
Recombinant Rat C-X-C motif chemokine 10 protein (Cxcl10) (Active) CSB-AP001451RA 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Rat CXC chemokine RTCK1 protein (Ppbp), partial (Active) CSB-AP001441RA 500ug/100ug/10ug
Recombinant Rat C-X-C motif chemokine 5 protein (Cxcl5) (Active) CSB-AP001431RA 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Rat C-X-C motif chemokine 3 protein (Cxcl3), partial (Active) CSB-AP001421RA 500ug/100ug/10ug
Recombinant Rat C-X-C motif chemokine 3 protein (Cxcl3) (Active) CSB-AP001411RA 500ug/100ug/10ug
Recombinant Rat C-X-C motif chemokine 2 protein (Cxcl2), partial (Active) CSB-AP001401RA 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Rat Growth-regulated alpha protein (Cxcl1) (Active) CSB-AP001391RA 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse C-C motif chemokine 27 protein (Ccl27), partial (Active) CSB-AP001381MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse C-C motif chemokine 25 protein (Ccl25) (Active) CSB-AP001371MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse C-C motif chemokine 24 protein (Ccl24) (Active) CSB-AP001361MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse C-C motif chemokine 22 protein (Ccl22) CSB-AP001351MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse C-C motif chemokine 21c protein (Ccl21c) (Active) CSB-AP001341MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse C-C motif chemokine 20 protein (Ccl20) (Active) CSB-AP001331MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse C-C motif chemokine 19 protein (Ccl19) (Active) CSB-AP001321MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse protein C-C motif chemokine (Ccl17) (Active) CSB-AP001311MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse C-C motif chemokine 12 protein (Ccl12) (Active) CSB-AP001301MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse Eotaxin protein (Ccl11) (Active) CSB-AP001291MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse C-C motif chemokine 9 protein (Ccl9) (Active) CSB-AP001281MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse C-C motif chemokine 8 protein (Ccl8) (Active) CSB-AP001271MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse C-C motif chemokine 7 protein (Ccl7) CSB-AP001261MO 500ug/100ug/10ug
Recombinant Mouse C-C motif chemokine 6 protein (Ccl6) CSB-AP001251MO 500ug/100ug/10ug
Recombinant Mouse C-C motif chemokine 5 protein (Ccl5) (Active) CSB-AP001241MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse C-C motif chemokine 4 protein (Ccl4) (Active) CSB-AP001231MO 500ug/100ug/10ug
Recombinant Mouse C-C motif chemokine 3 protein (Ccl3) (Active) CSB-AP001221MO 500ug/100ug/10ug
Recombinant Mouse Fractalkine protein (Cx3cl1), partial (Active) CSB-AP001211MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse C-X-C motif chemokine 16 protein (Cxcl16), partial (Active) CSB-AP001191MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse C-X-C motif chemokine 14 protein (Cxcl14) (Active) CSB-AP001181MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse Stromal cell-derived factor 1 protein (Cxcl12) (Active) CSB-AP001171MO 500ug/100ug/10ug
Recombinant Mouse Stromal cell-derived factor 1 protein (Cxcl12), partial (Active) CSB-AP001161MO 500ug/100ug/10ug
Recombinant Mouse C-X-C motif chemokine 11 protein (Cxcl11) (Active) CSB-AP001151MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse C-X-C motif chemokine 10 protein (Cxcl10) CSB-AP001141MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse C-X-C motif chemokine 9 protein (Cxcl9), partial (Active) CSB-AP001131MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse C-X-C motif chemokine 5 protein (Cxcl5) (Active) CSB-AP001121MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse C-X-C motif chemokine 5 protein (Cxcl5), partial (Active) CSB-AP001111MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse Platelet factor 4 (Pf4) (Active) CSB-AP001101MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse C-X-C motif chemokine 3 protein (Cxcl3), partial (Active) CSB-AP001091MO 500ug/100ug/10ug
Recombinant Mouse C-C motif chemokine 28 protein (Ccl28), partial (Active) CSB-AP001081MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse C-X-C motif chemokine 2 protein (Cxcl2) (Active) CSB-AP001071MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Mouse Growth-regulated alpha protein (Cxcl1) (Active) CSB-AP001061MO 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Rhesus Macaque Eotaxin protein (CCL11) CSB-AP001041MOW 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Macaca mulatta C-X-C motif chemokine 10 protein (CXCL10) CSB-AP001031MOW 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Human Protein FAM19A2 protein (FAM19A2) (Active) CSB-AP001021HU 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Human C-C motif chemokine 28 protein (CCL28) (Active) CSB-AP001011HU 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Human C-C motif chemokine 27 protein (CCL27) (Active) CSB-AP001001HU 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Human C-C motif chemokine 26 protein (CCL26) (Active) CSB-AP000991HU 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Human C-C motif chemokine 25 protein (CCL25) CSB-AP000981HU 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Human C-C motif chemokine 24 protein (CCL24), partial (Active) CSB-AP000971HU 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Human C-C motif chemokine 23 protein (CCL23), partial (Active) CSB-AP000961HU 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Human C-C motif chemokine 22 protein (CCL22) (Active) CSB-AP000951HU 500ug/100ug/5ug
Recombinant Human C-C motif chemokine 21 protein (CCL21) CSB-AP000941HU 500ug/100ug/5ug

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